Showing posts with label Blogger Basic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger Basic. Show all posts

Monday, May 1, 2017

How To Create Table Of Content Or Sitemap For Blogger

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Today i will guide you to how to create Table of content or sitemap to blogger easily. Blogger doesn't provide this feature to add your blog.However, we can do it by get help of blogger archive and label. This is very easy to blogger readers to get all of your blogger articles title in one page. All article show according to every category one by one. Those who want to find any article, they can get it easily. That's why Table of content or sitemap are very useful in blogger.

Follow below guideline to How to how to create Table of content or sitemap to blogger with easy steps.

Awesome blogger widgets get it below :

How To Create Table Of Content Or Sitemap For Blogger Easily

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Pages
2. Backup your template
3. Click on New Page
4. Click on  HTML   and paste below code
p.labels a{color: #242424; text-transform: uppercase;font-size: 15px;} {color: #0000FF;}
ol li{list-style-type:decimal;line-height:25px;}
var postTitle=new Array();var postUrl=new Array();var postPublished=new Array();var postDate=new Array();var postLabels=new Array();var postRecent=new Array();var sortBy="titleasc";var tocLoaded=false;var numChars=250;var postFilter="";var numberfeed=0;function bloggersitemap(a){function b(){if("entry" in a.feed){var d=a.feed.entry.length;numberfeed=d;ii=0;for(var h=0;h<d;h++){var n=a.feed.entry[h];var e=n.title.$t;var m=n.published.$t.substring(0,10);var j;for(var g=0;g<;g++){if([g].rel=="alternate"){[g].href;break}}var o="";for(var g=0;g<;g++){if([g].rel=="enclosure"){[g].href;break}}var c="";if("category" in n){for(var g=0;g<n.category.length;g++){c=n.category[g].term;var f=c.lastIndexOf(";");if(f!=-1){c=c.substring(0,f)}postLabels[ii]=c;postTitle[ii]=e;postDate[ii]=m;postUrl[ii]=j;postPublished[ii]=o;if(h<10){postRecent[ii]=true}else{postRecent[ii]=false}ii=ii+1}}}}}b();sortBy="titleasc";sortPosts(sortBy);sortlabel();tocLoaded=true;displayToc2();document.write('')}function filterPosts(a){scroll(0,0);postFilter=a;displayToc(postFilter)}function allPosts(){sortlabel();postFilter="";displayToc(postFilter)}function sortPosts(d){function c(e,g){var f=postTitle[e];postTitle[e]=postTitle[g];postTitle[g]=f;var f=postDate[e];postDate[e]=postDate[g];postDate[g]=f;var f=postUrl[e];postUrl[e]=postUrl[g];postUrl[g]=f;var f=postLabels[e];postLabels[e]=postLabels[g];postLabels[g]=f;var f=postPublished[e];postPublished[e]=postPublished[g];postPublished[g]=f;var f=postRecent[e];postRecent[e]=postRecent[g];postRecent[g]=f}for(var b=0;b<postTitle.length-1;b++){for(var a=b+1;a<postTitle.length;a++){if(d=="titleasc"){if(postTitle[b]>postTitle[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="titledesc"){if(postTitle[b]<postTitle[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="dateoldest"){if(postDate[b]>postDate[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="datenewest"){if(postDate[b]<postDate[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="orderlabel"){if(postLabels[b]>postLabels[a]){c(b,a)}}}}}function sortlabel(){sortBy="orderlabel";sortPosts(sortBy);var a=0;var b=0;while(b<postTitle.length){temp1=postLabels[b];firsti=a;do{a=a+1}while(postLabels[a]==temp1);b=a;sortPosts2(firsti,a);if(b>postTitle.length){break}}}function sortPosts2(d,c){function e(f,h){var g=postTitle[f];postTitle[f]=postTitle[h];postTitle[h]=g;var g=postDate[f];postDate[f]=postDate[h];postDate[h]=g;var g=postUrl[f];postUrl[f]=postUrl[h];postUrl[h]=g;var g=postLabels[f];postLabels[f]=postLabels[h];postLabels[h]=g;var g=postPublished[f];postPublished[f]=postPublished[h];postPublished[h]=g;var g=postRecent[f];postRecent[f]=postRecent[h];postRecent[h]=g}for(var b=d;b<c-1;b++){for(var a=b+1;a<c;a++){if(postTitle[b]>postTitle[a]){e(b,a)}}}}function displayToc(a){var l=0;var h="";var e="Post Title";var m="Click to sort by title";var d="Date";var k="Click to sort by date";var c="Category";var j="";if(sortBy=="titleasc"){m+=" (descending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="titledesc"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="dateoldest"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="datenewest"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (oldest first)"}if(postFilter!=""){j="Click to view all"}h+="<table>";h+="
<tr>";h+='<td class="header1">';h+='<a href="javascript:toggleTitleSort();" title="'+m+'">'+e+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header2">';h+='<a href="javascript:toggleDateSort();" title="'+k+'">'+d+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header3">';h+='<a href="javascript:allPosts();" title="'+j+'">'+c+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header4">';h+="Read all";h+="</td>";h+="</tr>
";for(var g=0;g<postTitle.length;g++){if(a==""){h+='
<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="'+postUrl[g]+'">'+postTitle[g]+'</a></td><td class="entry2">'+postDate[g]+'</td><td class="entry3">'+postLabels[g]+'</td><td class="entry4"><a href="'+postPublished[g]+'">Read</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="'+postUrl[g]+'">'+postTitle[g]+'</a></td><td class="entry2">'+postDate[g]+'</td><td class="entry3">'+postLabels[g]+'</td><td class="entry4"><a href="'+postPublished[g]+'">Read</a></td></tr>
";if(l==postTitle.length){var f='<span class="toc-note">Show All '+postTitle.length+" Posts<br/></span>"}else{var f='<span class="toc-note">Show '+l+" posts by category '";f+=postFilter+"' the "+postTitle.length+" Total Posts<br/></span>"}var b=document.getElementById("toc");b.innerHTML=f+h}function displayToc2(){var a=0;var b=0;while(b<postTitle.length){temp1=postLabels[b];document.write("<p/>");document.write('<p class="labels">
<a href="/search/label/'+temp1+'">'+temp1+"</a></p>
<li>");document.write('<a class="post-titles" href="'+postUrl[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a>");if(postRecent[a]==true){document.write(' - <strong><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">New!</span></strong>')}document.write("</li>
");sortPosts2(firsti,a);if(b>postTitle.length){break}}}function toggleTitleSort(){if(sortBy=="titleasc"){sortBy="titledesc"}else{sortBy="titleasc"}sortPosts(sortBy);displayToc(postFilter)}function toggleDateSort(){if(sortBy=="datenewest"){sortBy="dateoldest"}else{sortBy="datenewest"}sortPosts(sortBy);displayToc(postFilter)}function showToc(){if(tocLoaded){displayToc(postFilter);var a=document.getElementById("toclink")}else{alert("Just wait... TOC is loading")}}function hideToc(){var a=document.getElementById("toc");a.innerHTML="";var b=document.getElementById("toclink");b.innerHTML='<a href="#" onclick="scroll(0,0); showToc(); Effect.toggle(\'toc-result\',\'blind\');">?? Display Table of Contents</a> <img src=""/>'}function looptemp2(){for(var a=0;a<numberfeed;a++){document.write("<br>");document.write('Post Link : <a href="'+postUrl[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a><br>");document.write('Read all : <a href="'+postPublished[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a><br>");document.write("<br>")}};
<script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=bloggersitemap"></script>

How To Customize Sitemap For Blogger Easily

  • Change with your blog URL
  • To change font color, change red and purple color code top of the code.
5. Click "Option" on right sidebar and tick comment as "Don't allow, hide existing"
6. Now you are done, Just click on publish button and view the page.

If you have any problem related to how to create Table of content or sitemap to blogger easily. Just leave a comment.I will help you. 

Author Bio: Sohan Jayasinghe is the owner and author of .He has been blogging since 2009 and writing Blogger trix since 2010.If you want to contact him, Just leave a message via contact us page or connect with facebook or twitter
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Thursday, February 2, 2017

How to Add Blogger Contact Form for Blogger Easily

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Most of bloggers are using custom blogger contact form. For that they used third party site to get work done. It is bit complex work for beginners. Blogger launched new blogger contact form. So, this official blogger contact form and they provide stranded User interface your this new blogger widget. Therefore we have to apply new css style to make it looks nice.
Blogger contact form is very important because every visitors can contact administrator easily.So, you don't want to share your main email address directly with your blog.

Why you should use a blogger contact form

1. This is the best widget for away from third party blogger contact forms.
2. This widget  developed by blogger and you can trust them than third party blogger contact us forms
3. Blogger Contact us form helps to contact administrator of the blog for some questions,Some business through this. So, this is very excellent way to get connected.
4. Blogger administrator get message immediately to his inbox.
5.If your blog provide some services, visitors can request service or information thought this blogger contact form.

How to add blogger Contact Form for Blogger widget

Before adding this blogger contact form widget. you have to activate it and apply on slidebar

1. Go to and sign in first
2. In blogger Dashboard Click Layout on Left side bar
3. Click on ad Add Gadget (any add gadget where you want to add) and select Contact Us From 


4. Now you can save it.

For now, you are successfully added contact form for blogger. Now you need to style your blogger contact form.

How to Add styles to Contact Form For Blogger

1. In Blogger Dashboard Click on Template
2. Now click on Edit HTML and Search  ]]></b:skin>  By (Ctrl + F)
3. Now Paste below code before ]]></b:skin>
/* Contact Form Container*/
.contact-form-widget {
width: 500px;
max-width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 10px;
background: #F8F8F8;
color: #000;
border: 1px solid #C1C1C1;
box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
border-radius: 10px;

/* Fields and submit button */
.contact-form-name, .contact-form-email, .contact-form-email-message {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 10px;

/* Submit button style */
.contact-form-button-submit {
border-color: #C1C1C1;
background: #E3E3E3;
color: #585858;
width: 20%;
max-width: 20%;
margin-bottom: 10px;

/* Submit button on mouseover */
background: #4C8EF9;
color: #ffffff;
border: 1px solid #FAFAFA;
4: Now Save your template. You are successfully done for now.

Your Blogger contact form looks like below


How To Add Contact Form for Blogger Static Pages

You can add this blogger contact form to static page in blogger.This is easy to add to blogger and you can make it as a contact form page. follow these guideline.

1. In Blogger Dashboard Click on Template
2. Now click on Edit HTML and Search  id="ContactForm"  By (Ctrl + F)


3. Now you can see a code like below.

 <b:widget id='ContactForm1' locked='false' title='Contact Form' type='ContactForm'>
    <b:includable id='main'>
  <b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
    <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
  <div class='contact-form-widget'>
    <div class='form'>
      <form name='contact-form'>
        <input class='contact-form-name' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_contact-form-name&quot;' name='name' size='30' type='text' value=''/>
        <data:contactFormEmailMsg/> <span style='font-weight: bolder;'>*</span>
        <input class='contact-form-email' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_contact-form-email&quot;' name='email' size='30' type='text' value=''/>
        <data:contactFormMessageMsg/> <span style='font-weight: bolder;'>*</span>
        <textarea class='contact-form-email-message' cols='25' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_contact-form-email-message&quot;' name='email-message' rows='5'/>
        <input class='contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_contact-form-submit&quot;' expr:value='data:contactFormSendMsg' type='button'/>
        <div style='text-align: center; max-width: 222px; width: 100%'>
          <p class='contact-form-error-message' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_contact-form-error-message&quot;'/>
          <p class='contact-form-success-message' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_contact-form-success-message&quot;'/>
  <b:include name='quickedit'/>

4. Now just remove the code which i mention with red color
5. Click Save Template button and save your template
6. Now click Pages on blogger dashboard and Click New Page and create a new page
7. Now switch in to HTML composer on left and paste below code.

<div class="widget ContactForm" id="ContactForm1">
<div class="contact-form-widget">
<div class="form">
<form name="contact-form">
Name<br />
<input class="contact-form-name" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-name" name="name" size="30" type="text" value="" />
        <br />
E-mail *<br />
<input class="contact-form-email" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-email" name="email" size="30" type="text" value="" />
        <br />
Message *<br />
<textarea class="contact-form-email-message" cols="25" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-email-message" name="email-message" rows="5"></textarea>
        <input class="contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-submit" type="button" value="Submit" />
        <br />
<div class="contact-form-error-message" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message">
<div class="contact-form-success-message" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-success-message">
8. Now publish your page and you are done.

If you want, you can copy this page link and connect with your Menu bar, Then users easy to get connect with this blogger contact form.

Read more: How to add widget for blogger

This message will send to email address which you registered with blogger. If you have any request ion regarding to this add blogger contact form for blogger.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How To Start A Free Blog On Blogspot Platform

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Do you want to start a free blog ?  Your answer would be Yes. How can i start it? Starting blog is not hard thing as you think. You know,These days, there are lot of platforms available to start own blog. But blogger/ blogspot is the most popular platform to start a free blog. Because there are more facilities you can get than other platforms and it is very easy to handle it if you are families with it. That's why most of people are using blogger platform to start their blogging. As a newber, I guess you are wonder how to start a blogging in blogger. Today we will guide you to how to start a free blog in blogspot. Just follow our instruction.Lets start this.


Creating google account for start a blog in blogspot

First of all, you should need a google account to start a blog in blogspot. If you don't have a google account, you can create a google account from here. Just visit that link and create a google account by providing correct information. Once you create a google account, you can use it to lot of google services like gmail. google drive and etc. Now you can sign in to blogger from here.

Guide to start a free blog in blogspot

Now you have a google account.Once you are logged in  you need to press a new blog button top left corner to start a blog or click Start a free blog .You will get a new window. On that window you need to fill with blogger title, blogger address, and blogger template.

Blog title: It will show as your blog name to visitors. Make sure to add it relevant to contents you are going to write.

Blog address: This is your blog identification unique URL. It call blogger address. You will get a subdomain  from blogspot. for example. Make sure to choose a good names for your blog. Not your personal name. Other thing is, you can check availability of blog address. So keep changing and see whether its available for you.

Read: Top 5 Ways To Choose Right Domain Name

Blogger template: This is the design of your blog. You can choose good template style for your blog. There are lot of free blogger templates available. Good template always make your blog attractive and decent look. Just choose a one and move on.
After filled blogger title, blogger address and blogger template, you are ready to go. Just press create a blog button. Just wait for few seconds
Now your blog is just created. and there are more things to do.

Start a free blog

How to write blog post to your blog

Even you are create a blog, It doesn't call a blog. I should have good contents. So i will explain, how to write a blog posts to your blog.To start writing your first blogger post, click Create new post link or press New post button. Once you click it, it will load a new post editor panel. So you can keep writing a post in there.

Read: How to Add Custom Web Fonts for Blogger

write blog post to your blog

Write title for your blogger post

Blogger title is very important. You need to have a title for your contents and add content matching title for your article. Make sure to your title is readable for audience and catchy title.I know first article it hard to write. However, you can introduce your self for first article. Keep in mind, article title always describe it's contents.

writing blogger post title

How to Write blogger post body

Once you added article title. You can write your article body. There is two ways to write blogger article body. You can use text composer and html composer by switch it pressing two button on top left corner. If you have a knowledge in HTML, you can use it for wiring article because, there are more advantages to use it. You can use special functions, JavaScript, and special fonts. For beginners can use word processor to make their article decent. lot of options are available.

The Well-Kept Secrets of Writing Quality Web Content 

There is a tool bar to customize your blogger article. Such as, change font style, change font size, change headings, alignments, colors. so you can use those options and make your article quality.
How to add image to blogger article

write blogger post body

Most of are use image in article body. Its good for SEO. So you also can use a matching image for your article. Images can say thousands words. Hence  it's better to include a image to your article and it will be a good experience for audience. Its easy to add it to blogger. First of all make ready your image in some where of your computer folder. There is a option in toolbar call insert image. once you click it. Window will popup with few options showing up. Such as, uploading image from computer, share image link and use webcam to take a picture. So you can choose upload image and upload image to your article. Once it uploaded, it will visible in blogger article. Then you can arrange it as your  needs.

add image to blogger post

How to edit blogger post by setting

I think you might get confused with post setting  options on right side . These are the options which you can use for blogger article. lets go through one by one

Read: Popular Mistakes That Every Bloggers Do

This is very useful to make categories for your blogger article.

You can publish your article for schedule, you can publish few article in same time

Once you publish your article.,You will get a article link for your blog. Permalink help to
generate link according to your article title.

This will show your location when publish your article. this is very important for traveler

You can allow some features on there.

Preview button:
There is a preview button option available. This will helps to preview your blogger article while writing.Therefore you can do arrangement before publishing to readers.

Save button:
Save button helps to save your blogger article. for example, if you are not able to finish wring your article same day, You can write half and keep save it for write it again. It will save in blogger without publishing to readers.

Publishing the post:
Once you done with writing article, make sure to check all things are correct without errors. Once you come to that stage, You can publish to your readers by publish button on top right corner.

Finally you published your first article. Now you are done with how to start a free blog. But this is basic things of blogging.

Note: This article for very first beginners guide to start their blog.

Don't think that you are done.There are more to go.We will talk about it next article. until that. You can work hard to keep writing good article for you blog. But make sure to write article for your readers.

Read: Add blogger widget to your blog

As a beginner leaning How to start a free blog is pretty easy. You can start few blogs not only one. But make sure to write it well structured. Write for your readers. then they will come back to read your next article. It helps to get better tanking too. Once you have good visitors, you can start monetize blog and start earning. If you have any question regarding to start a free blog in blogspot, feel free to comment bellow.
Please take a moment to share with social media and subscribe for get new article updates.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Popular Mistakes That Every Bloggers Do

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Blogging has emerged out as an outstanding way of earning online money but not all of them are successful. Out of 10, only 2 bloggers are successful in achieving their goals. It is due to the fact that they do not pay much attention on several key factors that are essential in the blogging process. An expert bloggers knows all the tips and tricks to take his blog to the top notch position. If you are also willing to get successful and start earning from your blog, you need to prevent yourself from doing the popular bloggers mistake.

Some of the common mistakes which are mostly done by the bloggers are discussed as follows. You can go through them and overcome the shortcomings so as to become a successful blogger.


Purpose of the blog

There are many people who get into the process just for earning money without knowing the motive or purpose of starting the blog. This is a wrong practice as without any goal, you are certainly not going to move in the right direction. So, before starting the blogging process, make sure you know the various aspects of your blog like whether it is informational or not, the target audience, writing purpose etc. if you know the purpose behind creating a blog, you will be able to plan effective strategies and create success plans so that you can bring your blog to the number position on search engines.

Irregular posting

In order to generate more traffic towards your blog, it is necessary that you update your blog regularly and that too with unique and informative content. Posting on regular basis ensures that your existing readers will visit the blog daily. It is also an effective way to boost the traffic on the site. If you do not post for extended periods, the readers might look for information elsewhere. So, make sure that you keep posting at regular intervals and do keep a check on the quality of articles or information posted.

Be patient

Blogging is an activity that requires hard work and time. You will not start getting huge amounts as a result of blogging in few days or weeks. You will have to be patient and keep posting on the blogs as per the demand of the readers. If you lose your faith and stop posting, you might never achieve your goals.

You are not interactive

There are many bloggers who just post the contents as their duty and are not interactive with the readers. This might lose the readers’ interest. Hence, you should go through the comments or questions asked by the readers and reply to them. Also, make use of social media networking sites to interact with the readers.

Take your blogs to number one position by avoiding the above discussed popular bloggers mistake. This will help you in meeting your blogging goals at the earliest.

Author Bio: Sohan Jayasinghe is the owner and author of .He has been blogging since 2009 and writing Blogger trix since 2010.If you want to contact him, Just leave a message via contact us page.
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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Guest Blogging Post-Penguin 2.0

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Any website owner that uses guest blogging as a means to which they try to move  themselves up the Google ladder has seen the many changes that have developed throughout the last few years. During the golden days of blogging, it was easy to  share and repeat information on blogs because the word was out: “as long as you have links posted all throughout the internet, Google sees you as a viable website of interest for higher rankings in searches.” Guest blogging quickly became the way to do this. Although this is still the case to a small degree, a tactful approach must be made if you are  still a strong advocate of guest  blogging for your internet marketing campaign.

Guest Blogging Post-Penguin 2.0

The Penguin 2.0 launch has brought a lot of uncertainty as to whether guest blogging will thrive or die, but it does seem that Google still puts a high price on guest blogging. It’s what goes on within these posts that Google monitors more closely. Here are some tips to ensure you will keep guest blogging alive for everyone else and benefit from it yourself:

Raise the quality of guest posts

The guest blogging market has been flooded with overwhelming amounts of repetitive content and countless spammy links. This is to blame in part on Google. If Google had been more particular before their system had been taken advantage of, there could have been an internet full of heavy, fulfilling content. If content really had been treated as king, would the blogosphere have the same amount of intelligence that it currently has today?

If the quality of guest blogging or the value upon which it is developed and used stays at a high level, the effects of backlinks may be able to gain a higher assessed worth again. Since websites are pulling back their openness to guest bloggers, a natural pruning is already in order, but if the general writing public takes this matter seriously, the grip could potentially loosen and guest blogging would be able to take a more prominent role for traffic creation once again.

Stop using the same backlinks over and over.

The more often a website is backlinked, the more that it falls into the “spam” category. Let’s face it; if you are putting your site’s link onto 5 posts a day, you are officially a spammer. There is no other description. You may not have the intentions of being a spammer, but that is what you have become. There is a loophole around this, however, and it is to create what I am coining as “cyclical linkage.” Cyclical linkage is creating a link system that is developed due to having multiple interconnected sites that commonly and uniformly link to each other in multiple ways.

Many talk about the benefits of having multiple blogs, but who in their right mind grew up thinking that it would be a great idea to have 4 blogs? The goal is to spread the wealth in one aspect, but in another aspect we can focus directly on the issue of avoiding spam. To Google, it looks like you have your readers from your guest post discussing SEO written by you along with a link to your personal blog, but you have actually inconspicuously taken them there to connect them to a secondary link to your SEO site. Then on the next post, you write another great blog post discussing SEO and send them to your actual SEO site. By doing this, you are taking the focus off of the overuse of that one particular link but still keeping your audience linked up. The key is to make sure that all of your sites are so interconnected that a potential client wouldn’t miss the link to your other site(s).

Although this is not a perfect approach, the key here is to remove the potential of being downgraded due to having too many backlinks for one particular site. By interconnecting your sites, you are creating cyclical linkage between your own sites (which can enhance sales and traffic on all of the sites), and avoid the degradation of your site at the same time.

Get the content right, already.

This should not even be a discussion anymore, but it seems to still be the everlasting issue. Even the guest posts that discuss “how to become a guest blogger” have the same, repetitive content issue. Without fail each one will discuss how you should have great, new content. There are plenty of posts discussing how to become a guest blogger and few that discuss how to be a great guest blogger.

One key to get the content right is to create relatable, interesting, fresh, and most importantly, longer content. The lengths of posts are beginning to shift because if it is necessary for you to write 2000 words instead of 750, there very well should be some decent content to keep yourself writing for that long. Tim Ferriss, bestselling author and writer of “The 4-Hour Workweek” writes on his website, “Nearly ALL of my most viral posts are more than 3,000 words.” Enjoy the days of 1000 word posts while they last.

Get the word out, and keep it out.

Let’s be honest. It takes a couple of hours to put this post together. By the time I formulate my ideas, get them on paper, beef them up, edit them and re-edit them, it’s easily about 2 hours. Then I spend my time emailing sites to get the post posted. Depending on how long that takes, I could easily have invested 3 hours into a single post. If you don’t spend at least half of that much time promoting your post, I would argue that you are wasting your time. Can you imagine what kind of effect your post could have if you were (hardcore) promoting the post for an hour and a half? Now your link is becoming more valuable because you’re getting more traffic from more sources to that post. On top of that, when the site manager sees how much traffic you have brought to their site, you can almost guarantee another writing opportunity.

Be sure to follow up with comments and spend time talking to fellow readers on twitter, Google +, and Facebook. The discussion should be taking place all over the internet. I promise you, if you are taking the writing process seriously, the link process seriously and the social process seriously, your ROI will pay out.

Chris Gunn is the owner of Guest Post Sharks, a guest-blogging company developed to help businesses build successful internet marketing campaigns. He enjoys traveling with his wife Jessica as well as pouring into others in ways that help them further their strengths. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, or Google +.
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Monday, May 6, 2013

The Future Of Blogging: Which Technologies Will Drive The Medium

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Blogging has come an extremely long way since its infancy at the beginning of the new millennium’s
first decade.Though the exact number of blogs worldwide is surprisingly hard to pin down, most useful sources, such as Technorati and WordPress are fairly sure  that, worldwide, there are at least 1 billion actively used blogging sites in existence.


The Future Of Blogging

Obviously, most of these hardly garner any viewers at all and many of them are barely refreshed with fresh content. Also, we need to take into account the fact that hundreds of millions of these are probably zombie blogs, run by automated software solely for the sake of spam promotion.

However, whichever way you count the size of the blogosphere, the undeniable fact is that hundreds of millions of active, human updated blogs exist and millions of these have regularly been offering information, news or even services that have deeply impacted the way our social and business landscape operates for several years at least.

In essence, blogging is huge and still growing powerfully as new technology developments arrive to augment or change the medium in different ways. Let’s cover some of these now and see how they’ll affect the future of this massive distributed information reporting marvel.

Increased Blog Use by More People thanks to Social Media

This trend seems obvious enough but the devil is in the details here: Blogging exploded right from the earliest days of its development and was quickly adapted by millions of would-be and established agents, from businesses to activists, as an excellent platform for their existing desire to get the word out about whatever they had to say or share.

However, there were, and still are, millions more people who either never were too comfortable with the idea of publishing their own thoughts and beliefs to a wide online audience or didn’t really understand how to get their own blog up and running and lacked the deeper motivation to learn (it’s really not too complicated).

This is now starting to change in a serious way thanks to social media platforms. Since in essence these networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, really act sort of like closed micro blogging environments and since their popularity practically obligates millions of regular people to start using them, we’re seeing more and more of the world’s average, normally publicity shy web users getting used to the basic idea of posting their personal interests or stories before large audiences of hundreds or even thousands of others. This trend will accelerate, and simplified, social media related new blog platforms will emerge that facilitate it even more.

More Frequent, Shorter Posting thanks to Connected Mobile and Tablet Tech

Another, major technological development that’s been ongoing for the last couple of years and will continue to expand enormously as the second decade of the millennium progresses is the explosive growth of web connected smartphone and tablet use. As more of the world’s 2 billion internet users access the web daily from their mobile devices, having the ability to post content, images and videos instantly, we’re going to see an accelerated trend towards far more frequent but much smaller short-form blog posting. While low on per-post content, the deep value of this new shift in how blog posts are published be its extreme in the moment relevancy; posts will often be published almost literally as they occur in the real world.

The ramifications of this for political, social and business events is enormous. And news or information from places in the world where something major is unfolding will be far more in depth by virtue of sheer volume and freshness of anything published.

Trends in video blogging, social media derived blogs and even more simplified blogging platforms will really flesh out the “just-in-time” blogging possibilities described above.

Video and Video Blogging

Online video is inarguably still in its infancy. There’s plenty of room and need for massive growth, especially given the fact that most consumers actually prefer watching their information in live form instead of reading it.

Given this, we’re going to see a sharp increase in the amount of general video content posted to text based blogs (this is already happening big time), and we’0re also going to see more cases of full-scale transition to purely video based blogs, or vlogs, as they get called by some we commentators.

Thanks to the growing popularity of video calling, video conferencing, and video streaming technologies in general, not only will pure video blogs grow in popularity, they will also in some cases be one-upped still further by something much more interactive: blog posts in the form of video conferences with a live, in the moment communicative connection between audience and blogger.

This could be especially popular with news and business blogging areas where domain owners want to create a sort of call-in viewer conversation environment similar to how radio stations and newscasts sometimes manage their reporting/discussion platforms.

The advantage of doing this with ever-developing off the shelf blogging and video conferencing technology is that the whole thing will be much cheaper than an actual radio or TV news broadcast, allowing millions of people to turn their originally simple text or video blogs into something much more dynamic at next to no cost.

Final Words

We can be sure that blogging isn’t going anywhere; instead it will simply evolve into something stronger, newer and more powerful, augmented by new delivery technologies, social media platforms and blog development systems like simplified CMS platforms and superior video coding systems. Beyond all of these, as a sort of nurturing environment for blogging, there is the general internet itself, spreading further every day and capable of transferring ever more data per second over its connective wires.

About the author: Stephan Jukic is a freelance writer who generally covers a variety of subjects relating to the latest changes in white hat SEO, mobile technology, marketing tech and digital security. He also loves to read and write about subjects as varied as the location free business, portable business management and anything to do with finance. When not busy writing or consulting on technology and digital security, he spends his days enjoying life’s adventures either in Canada or Mexico, where he spends part of the year. Connect with Stephan on LinkedIn.
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Saturday, April 13, 2013

8 Important Tips to Fight Bounce Rate on Your Website

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Bounce rate is something which is often confused with exit rate, the difference is important. Bounce
rate is originally the measure of people who bounced off a  single page (i.e., they  did  not  visit any other pages  within your website), whereas the exit rate is actually a  measure of the percentage of visitors who left  your  site  from that page. The following are the important tips to reduce bounce rates.


8 Important Tips to Fight Bounce Rate

1. A Better Design

It is important for every website owner to look at the design with an unbiased eye and ask if it is
appealing. Try to have an engaging design which is capable of capturing reader's attention and compel them to navigate through other pages of your site.

2. Loading Time

The loading time of your web page is an important factor in SEO as well as to have a visitor to stay on your site. If your website has more widgets or plugins and content, the slower your pages are going to load and the faster your site visitors will leave.

3. Try to Avoid Pop-ups

Pop-up ads are annoying for the visitors of your website. Only in very few cases they offer something
worth the trouble, but usually pop-ups disrupt the user experience.

4. Browser Compatibility

If you have used a single browser throughout the development of your site, there are chances you end
up failing to display many of your contents in another browser. Use your analytic tool to see the bounce by browser type or use a cross-browser compatibility testing tool like browser stack to check a page that is contributing to your bounce rate.

5. Optimize For Internet

Always remember this is clearly connected to information design; here ensure that you are serving your visitors with an experience that meets their expectations since they are using keywords to get to your pages.

6. Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Today it is important that your websites should be accessible from a mobile device or tablet. Do not
think mobile usability as a mean from a design compatibility and accessibility standpoint. It means the language on your site should be simple and clear enough for people on the go.

7. Smart Interlinking of Pages

Interlinking is yet another way to reduce the bounce rate greatly. Readers always show a good interest in clicking internal links on blog posts to know more by referring related topics.

8. Open External Links in New Windows

This is a very simple concept. If you're going to link out to a resource on your website, make sure you have it open on a new window instead of redirecting the user off your site.Hope this helps to reduce your site Bounce Rate.
If you would like to write for bloggertrix, check our guest posting guidelines

Author Bio:
Austin Richard is an IT professional from Pass Certification. It provides you 100% 70-293 exams. Let’s take benefit of 70-433 Exams material efficiently and get guaranteed success. Check out free demo of all certifications Exam.
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Friday, April 12, 2013

5 Crazy Offline Ways For Your Blog Promotion

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Most of the bloggers share you the online ways like using social sites, forums etc for your  blog promotion. Here I want to share you some offline ways for your blog promotion. I don’t guarantee you will get tons of visitors in a day using these ways. But some what these methods will increase  your blog visitors.So let’s start.


Offline Ways For  Blog Promotion


1. Street Wall

This is the effective way for your blog promotion. How to do,I will tell you. First make a simple poster with your blog URL and appealing title and description. Then find the street where daily lots of people walks. Stick that poster on the wall of the street. Its obvious many people will see that poster. If you have given effective title and description on your poster then without doubt they will check your blog URL when they reach home. If your blog has good content then they will be your regular visitors.

2. Public Toilet

Yes, public toilet is another good place for your blog promotion. I have seen in our country’s public toilet people are writing different thing on the toilet wall. So you can also make use of it. Leave your blog URL on the wall of public toilet. Some curious guys may check your blog URL to know more about your blog.

3. Mouth Promotion

Another good way for your blog promotion. Tell something good about your blog to your friends and encourage them to visit the blog. Also you can try this method to strange people (They may think you have become crazy, that you are sharing something to strange people but that’s not a big deal because you are already crazy in blogging J ).To clear their curiousness they will surely check your blog.

4. Use Cyber

Visit the different cyber station and try to set your blog as the homepage in the browser of every computer. Because daily lots of people use the cyber station computers. When they open the browser, automatically they will land to your blog homepage. If they found your blog interesting and helpful then they will never mind to visit back your blog next time.

5. Newspaper Ads

If you are able to spend some cash for your blog then Newspaper ads can be the good way for your blog promotion. Select the Newspaper that has lots of readers and subscribers. Make your blog ads interesting like “Online Earning Tips-Your Blog URL” and give the ads to run on the Newspaper and see the changes.

These are some of the offline ways for your blog promotion to increase your blog traffic. If have some other ways then please share with us on Comment box.

About Author:

Santosh Shah is the founder of, blog related to Blogging Tips & Widget, Tech Updates and Many More. He loves blogging. You can find hime on @ShahSantosh
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Thursday, March 28, 2013

SEO Basics that Every Blogger Should Know

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a topic that no fresh blogger  can afford to disregard. SEO practices can not  only  radically  boost  a  blog’s visibility but can also effect  substantial  cost  and time economies as well. If you’ve just commenced  blogging and are unsure  of  how  to  conduct  an  SEO  campaign, the ensuing fundamental guidelines will point you in the right direction:


SEO Basics Tips For Blogger

1. Have a Top-Notch Title

Your blog title is the first element your reader views (via the search engine result) and thus merits
particular mention. It is imperative to construct a strong and engaging title to garner maximum visibility and reader clicks - tips in this context:

a)  Make your title appealing, inventive, persuasive, and grammatically impeccable.
b)  Try to place your main keywords near the commencement of the title for greater reach.
c)  Ascertain that your title is concise (preferably under 70 characters) to prevent search engines from
      excising it.

2. Utilize Superior and Versatile Content

Apart from the title, you ought to always host high-quality and comprehensive material on your blog.
Further tips in this regard:

a)  Steadfastly employ well-written, straightforward, and grammatically precise language.
b)  Strive to host content that educates and apprises readers. Not only would such content engender
       increased user sharing but it will also generate more sanguine search engine ratings. For this
       purpose, you should harness high-quality plugins and other online instruments.
c)  Incorporating videos, music clips, and podcasts is a prudent idea as makes for a more immersive
     reader experience.
d)  Remember to keep the material original as Google and other engines have a zero-tolerance
      plagiarism policy.
e)  Update frequently to obviate monotony and loss of readership.

3. Practice Intelligent Keyword Use

Keywords are principal SEO components that are immensely beneficial for blogging success. Ensure that:

a) Your choice of keywords is founded on what’s currently relevant and popular with readers.
b) Your keywords reflect your blog theme and philosophy closely.
c) You embed your keywords at strategic spots in your blog like the title, headline, and posts as also
     in links and metadata content.
d) The keywords feature prominently at the beginning of your posts and then at adequately-spaced

4. Focus on Link-Building

Extensive linking to your blog from other online portals can dramatically ratchet your readership.
Detailed advice in this context:

e) Ascertain that the portals you associate with are reputable and popular for heightened link traffic.
f) Make sure your anchor text is succinct and corresponds to your main keywords.
g) Invariably employing superlative blog content is best way to guarantee back-linking success. Good
content will ensure repeat readership as well.
h) Write guest columns in other blogs and embed them with your blog’s links.
i) You can even ingrain inbound links to and from your own blog for optimal visibility.
j) Do not try to purchase links as this is viewed as Google and other top search engines view this as an
unethical trade practice.

5. Boost Your Infrastructure

To safeguard high SEO ratings, ascertain that your blog framework possesses technically advanced
codes, plugins, and permalinks. A potent infrastructure will also make your blog pages load speedily
thereby delighting your readers.

6. Be Active Online

The more you post, guest-comment, and are active on social networking sites, the greater will be your
blog’s reputation and influence. Note that Google now considers social media success as the chief
parameter for top SEO ratings.

7. Go For Independent Operation

For best results you should attempt to host your blog independently and even have a personal domain
name. These moves may involve increased expenditure, but will definitely improve your blog’s cachet as search engines favor blogs with autonomous structures. When choosing hosting and domain name service providers ensure that they offer competitive rates, all-embracing administrative choices, good security, and round-the-clock support.

This is a guest post by Mark Bennett of, a site that offers savings and current
information on comcast phone for home cable and internet.
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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blogging A Technique to Express Yourself

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If asked, a  majority of people would have at least a slight of  what  the   term  ‘blogging’means.  This kind of writing has  become  quite  popular  with the   modern generation. Today,different blogs can  easily be accessed from various web domains, each dealing  with a unique topic. However, many  have  no  idea  where    blogging  originated   from. Basically, a  blog  can  be defined  as a specific web page dedicated   towards  posting  of  dated  posts  regarding  a specific topic. This can be done  by multiple users or even a single  user.  In  that case,  blogging  is  the actual art of coming  up  with  a  blog.  Its origin  dates way back to the year 1997.



Names such as Jerry Pournelle, Justin Hall and Dave Winer mark the genesis of blogging. These are some of the earliest bloggers known to man. Even before blogging came into the picture, digital communities had other tradition forms. Usenet, e-mail lists and CompuServe were some of the early forms and commercial services that existed back then. The internet forum software, invented in the early 90’s, aided the growth of tropical kinds of connections in-between messages that were used in communications. These are what are referred to as threads.

As a result, a list of up and coming websites was made available by the Mosaic Communications Corporation in the form of a ‘What’s new’ icon present in the mosaic browser that was common back then. This slowly evolved in to online diaries, where ‘diarists’ ran accounts of their personal lives. Justin hall and the other early diarists came up with some of the first ever blog posts after the online diary technology grew in popularity. Dave Winer is known to come up with the longest running first blog ever.


The term ‘blog’ came from the word ‘weblog’. After the success of the online diary, weblogs came to being as more and more diarists came to being. In December 1997, one John Barger came up with the name weblog. Two years later, in May 1997, the owner of the domain used the term “blog” in one of his posts. He was trying to come up with a hip and fun- filled title for the weblogs. This marked the origin of the term “blog”. He was known as Peter Merholz. Labs Pyra and Willaims E. took a step further and described ‘blog’ to be a noun. In turn, the two came up with the term ‘blogging’ with the aim of coming up with a verb for the word. The term blogger slowly came into play once blogging became more popular.
How to choose proper domain name.

What to post in your blog:

Anything; this is what you can post in your blog. Today, most blogs are made up of commentaries plus notes on oneself. A majority of them also post links to other related websites. However, a blog should be about a specific topic. Music, relationships, sports etc; the list is endless. It all depends on what your preferences are.

How to put up a blog:

The first step is to create a website. This will act as the basis for the blog. Get a page or two from the website and dedicate them to your blog. Once you have done this, pick one blog community to set up your blog in and you will be good to go!

Author’s Bio:
Austin Richard is an IT professional from selftesttraining. Have you really looked for this Assistance? Move ahead to take the benefit of SAP Certifications and passyour exam easily.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How Effective is Your Website?

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The website is your “shop window”. You should spend more  time in your  shop  as  if it was the  window of a traditional  store  on  Via Monte Napoleone. Your web site  must  attract  customers  and  keep  them  coming back.  Are  you  ready?  Pretend  to  be  a  customer or better yet, ask someone who has never visited your site visit and to answer these questions:


Where to look now?

A visitor to the web site usually has an attention span of a few seconds. This means that your
site needs to attract the curiosity in the shortest possible time. Therefore, make sure that the
first thing that is seen as something quite interesting.

At first glance you know what is the website?

Again. You have a very short period of time to “give the message.” If your website has too
many distractions, the site visitor will never know whether articles.

The header is important?

Most visitors to your site want to know the details immediately, without too much effort. If you
have to scroll to the bottom of the page to find what you do or what to sell, probably will leave
the page ahead of schedule. Make sure your Selling Proposition (your selling proposition) is
clear and concise.

You can easily find my services?

A visitor to the website wants to know as much as possible about the benefits of your services.
The characteristics of the service you offer is important, but the most important thing that a
visitor wants to know is that the service will have an impact that will change his life … for the

There is a clear call to action?
If visitors like what they are looking, you have to entice them to take an action as soon as
possible. The call to action may be to buy now, start a free trial to find out more, or something
else. Make sure there are too many calls to action to get the negative effect.

The colors and images on the site are nice?

If your site is too full or messy, serious risk of losing visitors. Take some ‘time to coordinate
colors and seek high-quality images that add meaning to the message.

The font is easy to read?

Make sure the font you are using is easy to read and a font that is not distracting. Do not give
rein to the imagination, using fonts legible and easy to understand even for visually impaired

There are sections written anywhere on the page?

Make sure that paragraphs are not too long and that there are too many “boxes” that invoke
other articles. Divide items into smaller sections too long.

Menu items clearly say where they bring?

Design and usability are often overlooked. Think about what information you would like to see
opening this site and build your menu accordingly. There should almost always be an “about
us” and a link “contact us”.

Is there an easy way to contact the company?

If your site visitors are really interested, you probably want to contact you even for simple
questions. Make sure that the contacts are easy to reach, do not hide.

Writing formal or friendly?

The formal writing is good for … Well, the big companies. A small company does not have
to pretend to be big, formal writing is detached from the public. Your ability to relate
with customers is a great pride, so if you choose to write texts, immediately engaging and
conversational tone.

There are links to social media?

Social media let you communicate with potential customers, and allow them to communicate
with each other. Include links to your blog, Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts
… but watch. Do not let them die before you start. If you create a link to your blog, this will be
updated. If you put your page facebook , it must be fed with offers and news. If you link your
twitter profile often interact with your followers and uses ashtag right.

Author Bio: -
Mohit Maheshwari is the CEO and strategist of a Web design india and a digital marketing agency, New Media Guru. He is also an active blogger and loves to share his experience and knowledge of the nmg digital drive, web designing and Internet marketing.
write for bloggertrix, check our guest posting guidelines
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Make Your Blog Optimized for Traffic and Search Visibility

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You can advertise your blog on an affiliate program. You can create a guest post on a few  popular  blogs and draw  traffic  that way.  You can  add your blogs address to the bottom of every  email you send,  and you can start a social media campaign to drive traffic to your blog. Another way  you can  get  traffic  is to make it more visible on search  engines.  The truth is that Google is not the first port of call for most Internet users.


They tend to sign straight onto the website that prompted them to go online in the first place.
They do this by looking at their history, using their favorites, clicking on a desktop icon, or going
to their RSS feeds. Nevertheless if a person is looking/searching for something--their first port
of call will be Google. This is why it is a good idea to have your blog very visible on the search
engines results pages, so that you can mop up the extra traffic that flows onto search engines
after people have finished doing what they originally set out to do online.

Link up your blog
It is a good idea to put at least two links within each of your blog posts, and three internal links
at the bottom of each post. The ones at the bottom of each post should be something like, “If
you liked this, then you will love…..” Try to link to other pages in your blog that are on a similar

Use plugins to link up your blog
If you are using Magento, Joomla, WordPress (or even a number of others) then there are
plugins available that will help you to link up your website internally. If you really want
to optimize your blog in a serious way then use a plug-in that displays scrolling blog post
suggestions. Preferably, they will scroll down the page with images attached to them. If you do
not have the time to link up all of your past pages then look out for plugins that will do it for
you. There are also plugins that will test all of the links on your blog. If you fix or remove your
broken links then you will go a long way to cleaning up your blogs SEO.

Use images
Use images moderately. In other words do not upload so many pictures that your blog loads
slowly, but do add some. Make sure that each one has a title, ALT text and a description (if
possible). Not only will this help to increase your blogs SEO value, it will also pull traffic from
the Google images search engine too.

Use a compression plug-in
The larger that your blog gets--the longer it will take to load. There are plugins and add-ons
that will compress your blog down, so that only the first three/five posts load. This will vastly
decrease your blogs “page complete time”. The lower your page loading completion time is
then the higher Google will rank you. Google considers the time your page takes to load to be a
very important factor in your SEO.

Remove your adverts
The adverts running on your blog are adding elements, text and images to your blog. They are
weighing it down.

Run online tests
There are many tools online that will point out the good and bad things about your blog. They
will show you your PageRanks, and tell you what is affecting your blog negatively. Try a few
free trials online and find out what is keeping your blog off of the first page of Google’s search
engine results.

Install a comment section
This has its positive and negative sides. The positive side that you should concentrate on is the
fact that it is very good for your on-page SEO. Every time a comment is uploaded onto your
blog, the Google algorithm marks it as an update. This has no positive affect in the short term,
but in the long term, it is very good for your blogs Google ranking.
Older websites and blogs are ranked higher than newer websites and blogs IF they have been
frequently updated whilst they were online. People posting comments are a way of showing
that your site is being updated--even when you are not doing the updating yourself. You can
also pour a little fuel on the fire and answer some of the comments. It is a good way of getting
commenters to come back and comment again.

Author’s bio: My name is Sonia Jackson. I represent the web-site We’ll help you to solve all problems with writing different dissertations and research papers in a short time; we’ll answer all your questions and give you useful advices.

If you would like to write for bloggertrix, check our guest posting guidelines.
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

5 Things You Can't Forget Before Publishing Blog Post

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Here are five things that you should  follow if you wish to  post a good blog post. Some of the  things
you  should  follow  should  be  followed  prior  to even writing your blog. The other things should be
considered after you have written the blog post but before you post it online. Some of these things will land you in hot  water if  you  do  not  follow  them. Some of  the  other  things on  this  article will help you to create a better  blog post,  which both flows and is exciting and fun.

1 - Follow your instincts
You started writing your blog post for a reason. You have a good blog post inside you. You
must make sure that to stick to this belief. Do not get half way through your blog post and then
say, “Oh that will do.” If you are going to make a blog post, then you may as well make a good
one. When you feel the tug of inspiration as you are writing--then go with it and follow your
instincts in order to create the best blog post of all time.

2 - Follow your competition
Before you even write your blog post, you should be looking at what you competitors are
posting. You should see how they are posting their blog, how they come across, what attitude
they have and what stances they take. You can then write a counter argument to their blog. If
you see an element of their blog that works then you can copy it and have a similar success.
If your competition has a blog and they have had it for a long time then you should learn all you
can from it. If they have a lot of traffic or have built up a good following then you should go out
of your way to see what works for them and what does not. Educate yourself on the success
of your competitors so that you can copy that success and then build upon it, so that you beat

3 - Follow the rules of etiquette
This involves things such as not posting negative things about other people, products or
companies without some sort of balance. This involves not making up fact and figures, and
not making up stories and trying to pass them off as being true. If you are posting on a blog
platform that has rules then you should check those rules for certain etiquette stipulations. If
you are posting on your own blog that you are hosting then following the “general” rules of
etiquette will help stop you attracting negative attention to your blog.

4 - Follow the law
This mainly involves slander, libel and copyright. If you are going to make accusations about
a person or a company then you will need some sort of proof. Even online forums such as
blogs are a place where you can get in trouble for taking a negative stance about a person or a
company. It is okay to give your opinion, but you cannot say anything negative about a person
or company and pass it off as fact without proof.
Copyright laws are another thing you should follow. It is your duty to reference any copied
material. If you cannot reference it then you cannot post it. Some things are copyrighted so
that you have to have permission to copy them in whole or in part. Learn about copyright,
licenses and permission prior to copying anything.

5 - Follow the rules of grammar and spelling
If your grammar or spelling is very bad, to the point where reading your blog is difficult, then
the search engines will lower your page rank. If you make your grammar and spelling too
perfect then your writing will come off as stale and dry (even boring). You need to strike a
happy balance of being grammatically readable but still fun and exciting.

My name is Sonia Jackson. I represent the web-site We’ll
help you to solve all problems with writing different essays and research papers in a short time;
we’ll answer all your questions and give you useful advices.

If you would like to write for bloggertrix, check our guest posting guidelines
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Monday, September 17, 2012

RGB / Hex Color Codes Generator For Blogger

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Today i came up with useful tool. Because color code are very important in blogger designs.Every CSS codes are using some color code for generating color effects. In my earlier post also , most of time i used hex color codes. But some codes are not hex codes and its RGB color codes,So, some  people don't know how to  change rgb colors. You can use below colors or use generator tools to get the color easily. hope this helpto you all.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Add About Author Box Below Each Post In Blogger

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About Author is more popular gadget to blogger now.Most of are using it.Actually, this is very important it who are doing guest posting, Anyway, you can try to add this to your blog.

1. Log in to blogger account and Go to Design >> Edit HTML

2. Find this tag by using Ctrl+F    ]]></b:skin>

3. Paste below code Before ]]></b:skin> tag

/* Bloggertrix  */
.author-box {
background: #fff;
margin: 10px 0 40px 0;
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;
overflow: auto;
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px 5px #888;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px 5px#888;
box-shadow: 0 0 5px 5px #888;
.author-box p {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.author-box img {
background: #FFFFFF;
float: left;
margin: 0 10px 0 0;
padding: 2px;
border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;

4. Find this tag by using Ctrl+F   <data:post.body/>

5. Paste below code After <data:post.body/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='author-box'>
<p><img alt='' class='avatar avatar-70 photo' height='70' src='' width='70'/><b>About the Author</b><br/>
<div style='text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; color: #000;'>
Lorem ipsum brute utinam nominati vel ut, te vis liber aliquid. Te vis vide dolores erroribus. Debitis dolorem eu pro, semper mollis dissentiunt nam at. Regione molestie dissentiet sit te. Has cetero indoctum posidonium et, dissentiunt deterruisset pro an.<br/>

*Replace Image link and blue color text with your own text.

6. Now save your Template.

    You are done...
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