Saturday, January 29, 2011

Add Meta Tag For Blogger

Meta tag is a important Search Engine Optimization.
It help to make a good traffic rank to your website.
If you use accurately as meta tag it will try to bring
your page as first page.

 1.This is your meta code.first of all you have to edit this.

              <meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='keywords'/>
              <meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='description'/>
              <meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>

 *DESCRIPTION HERE - mean description about your site.
 *KEYWORDS HERE    -Keyword that describe your blog most.
 *AUTHOR NAME HERE - Your name or blogger name.

2. Now log to your blogger and navigate to Layout > Edit HTML and expand Widget Templates

3. Find this code by using Ctrl+F    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

4. After found above code,paste meta tag after this code.

5. Now finished. you are done.


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